Quick Intro...

Ahhh... it feels GREAT to have a nice new, blank blog that will serve as my canvas for spreading the Greatness of .NET, ASP.NET, and VB!  To start this little adventure out, I thought I would go ahead and introduce myself.

I'm Zack Owens, as you might have noticed from the top of the blog, and I have 2 big roles in the .NET world. One is my private business, EagleEnvision.NeT, which I will try not to mention on this blog. If you have the remote interest in looking into my business, you can visit our main site or our blog. My second, which will be covered in this blog extensively, is my role as the lead developer for the ClubStarterKit.

Hopefully this will serve as a central place for ClubStarterKit news and tips and hopefully I can drop some hints, patterns, and my own conventions in hopes of helping out the community!

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