Entity Framework 4.0 Recipe book is officially released!
I am very happy to announce that Entity Framework 4.0 Recipes book by Apress is officially released and is available for purchase from Amazon and other online book retailers. You can get your copy from Amazon at the address below.
The book solves problems in recipe format. It addresses lot of questions which developers have faced on the forum while building applications against Entity Framework. I myself have been working with Entity Framework for last 2 years and used Entity Framework extensively in large scale applications. My company website, CheaperThanDirt currently runs on Entity Framework 4.0.
The book is written for Entity Framework 4.0 using Visual Studio 2010 and is roughly 650 pages and covers more than 160 recipes. To see what we cover in the book, please look at the table of contents for the book at the URL below.
Now that book is complete, I would like to thank all those people who helped us extensively in getting the knowledge needed to cover EF in such depth. First of all, I would like to thank Entity Framework team for answering all my questions through forum and emails and explaining me concepts where my knowledge felt short. A very very very………………………. special thanks to Diego Vega, Program Manager in Entity Framework team for offering valuable explanations through email and forum. Without his help, we could not deliver the quality and depth which this book delivers to the audience. Special thanks to Noam Ben Ami, also a Program Manager on Entity Framework for answering all our questions about modeling and Entity Framework designer. Obviously the list is very long and detailed but to keep it short, special thanks to Elisa Flasko, David Annesley-DeWinter, Brian Swan, Daniel Simmons, Alex, Colin, Jeff (both) for their help.