Interesting Finds: 2008.11.12~2008.11.14
- Mobile MVC Framework - for mobile devices running .NET Compact Framework 3.5
- XSLT Debugging with .NET
- Code Contracts and runtime rewriting
- Writing Tests to Catch Memory Leaks in .NET
- Breaking changes to the String class
- Where did CLR 3.0 Go?
- JxLib: New Browser UI Toolkit - a javascript library for creating graphical user interaces based on the fabulous MooTools library - download
- The New Yahoo! Front Page and YUI 3.0
- Time Picker UI - very cool
- The Future of WebForms And ASP.NET MVC
- Encrypt your AJAX traffic using Microsoft Silverlight and Ajax.NET Professional
- HTML Stripping Challenge
- Silverlight FAQ from TechDays
- ReSharper Nightly Builds 4.1.943.5 - solve the exception of JetBrains.Util.LoggerException,thanks Eugene Pasynkov