Westin's Technical Log
Locking Your Computer with a Script
For humans: ÿ-L
Model Driven Development
A great post by Gabriel: Valuing the Undervalued Solution Model
Interesting Read: The Next Revolution in Productivity
Link: Managing social networking with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
Eric mentions an interesting document he co-authored about SharePoint as a social networking platform.
SharePoint for Squirrels
Admittedly, I haven't read to far into this site, but I'm link blogging it because, hey, even Squirrels need a little SharePoint now and then:
Conducting Estimation meetings with Project
Often an engineering team is asked to predict the future amidst uncertainty.
Project Summary Task Summing Incorrectly
I was asked recently about summary tasks showing sums of work columns that were too large.
Email Links Enhanced
Even in the web 2.0 world, often times the most cost effective way to set up a collaboration mechanism is an email distribution group. How often do you see:
xCal Schema
In an earlier post, xCalendar, I echoed a need for a XML calendar syndication standard (that isn't based on RSS).
OpenSearch XSD
In my last post Search Your Internal Site From Internet Explorer I talked about how to expose a search to your site so that it will light up the Internet Explorer Search Box. I referred to OpenSearch. The site refers to an XML schema spec, but does not provide a schema.