Wes' Puzzling Blog

... trying to solve the puzzles of .NET

  • Disable Windows 2003 Shutdown Event Tracker

    Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2005 7:53 AM
    Okay the right name for the “Enter Reason” dialog is - “Shutdown Event Tracker”.

    If you're like me, and use Windows 2003 on your desktop, chances are that you may find that dialog box that pops up after every hardboot or at every restart/shutdown only slightly annoying.

    Here is how to disable that.

    Start->Run type “gpedit.msc” .. hit Enter.

    Go to Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System ->

    In there find “Display Shutdown Event Tracker”, double click and choose “Disabled”.

    WALLA !! :-)

    And oh yeah, there's tonnes of other stuff there too.
    Thanks Sahil.
    I once knew how to do this but I forgot. So this time I'm posting it on my blog for future reference.

  • Moving XP User Profile

    I just got done setting up my new Windows 2003 server at home. I had another server before which was running as my domain controller. This was causing DNS issues because I stupidly named my local domain the same as my web domain name. I couldn't visit my website using the base domain name because that IP resolved to my local DNS server and when I tried to delete that entry on my DNS server and point it to the correct IP it somehow magically reappears after sometime. At any rate I decided to setup a new Windows 2003 server as my new domain controller for a different domain.

  • FireFox Setup

    I used to use an link to a checklist of things that I used to setup firefox from scratch but that link no longer works so I'm going to create my own checklist for my future benefit and maybe to the benefit of others.

  • Get Directory Path of an executing Batch file

    Most people probably know that can use the variable %0 in a batch file to get the name of the executing batch file. However if you use that in conjunction with some batch parameter modifiers you can easily split that into a drive, directory or filename. Therefore to get the location of an executing batch file from within that batch file you can use the variable %~dp0. Where d is the drive, p is the path and 0 is of course the name of the executing batch file.

  • Over 100,000 hits

    Wow I just looked at my hit counter on my blog this weekend and I have just passed 100,000 hits. This is since May 2003. That is pretty cool.

  • Empty Email Messages

    Lately I have been noticing an increase of completely blank email messages in my inbox. I get anywhere from 1-5 empty emails a day. The messages have nothing but a relatively small truncated internet header. Some of the internet headers are truncated in the middle of a header message. My guess is they are spam that gets stripped by some mail server but I really don't know. I have started keeping them in separate folder to see if I can maybe figure out a pattern.