Wallace B. McClure
All About Wally McClure - The musings of Wallym on Web, HTML5, Mobile, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Windows Azure.
Mono for Android Monthly Column
I can now announce with much excitement that fellow author and friend Greg Shackles and I will be authoring a monthly column for Visual Studio Magazine on Mono for Android. The link to the introduction is: http://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2012/04/25/why-mono-for-android.aspx
Working with Images and Animation on the iPhone and iPad with .NET and C#: Part 1
Multimedia has come a long way during my career in programming. I remember the HP-41C, the first calculator that I used day to day in my geeky teenage years (unfortunately, I've only gotten geekier as I have gotten older). It could only output text and a few beeps. I was in nirvana and thought it just couldn't get any better. Now, everyone in my family has an iPhone and an iPad. With these devices, we can use software and hardware to record and play audio and video, take and display pictures, and modify this content.
eLearning event on HTML5 for Mobile with jQuery Mobile
I'll be doing an eLearning event on HTML5 for Mobile with jQuery Mobile. There will also be a few items sprinkled in on ASP.NET Razor.
Mobile development is a hot item. Customers are buying iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and many other mobile computing devices at an ever increasing record pace. Devices based on iOS and Android are nearly 80 percent of the marketplace. RIM continues to be dominant in the business area across the world. Nokia's growth with Windows Phone will grow on a worldwide basis. At the same time, clearly web development is a tremendous driver of applications, both on the public Internet and on private networks. How can developers target these various mobile platforms with web technologies? Developers can write web applications that take advantage of each mobile platform, but that is a lot of work. Into this space, the jQuery Mobile framework was developed. This eLearning series will provide an overview of mobile web development with jQuery Mobile, a detailed look at what the jQuery Mobile framework provides for us, how we can customize jQuery Mobile, and how we can use jQuery Mobile inside of ASP.NET. -
Mono for Android Book has been Released!!!!!
So, if you have pre-ordered a copy, its now up to Amazon to send it to you. Its fully out of my control, Wrox, Wiley, as well as everyone but Amazon.
Mobile: Wrox Cross Platform Mobile Development - iPhone, iPad, Android, and everything with .NET & C#
Remember, go buy 8-10 copies of the 3 book set for the ones you love. They will make great and romantic gifts!!
Android Development with Mono for Android 4 - Training via AppDev
My Android Development with Mono for Android 4 Video Training Series via AppDev is out and available. That's right, .NET/C# developers can now write native apps for Android devices. I hope that this is helpful to you as you get up to speed with Mono for Android. Here is some info on the training:
Recording of the Mono for Android Webinar - Building a User Interface with Mono for Android
My webinar for last week on building a user interface with Mono for Android is now available online. The webinar covered:
Webinar on Building a User Interface in Mono for Android
I'll be doing a webinar on Tuesday February 28th on Building a User Interface in Mono for Android. A little bit about this:
Start Using HTML5 today!
My article on HTML5 and some things that you can use today has gone online at the Dev Pro Connections web site. Here's a snippet of it:
Review of "Beginning iOS5 Application Development"
I was recently given the opportunity to review Wei Meng Lee's most recent edition of his beginning iOS programming series.
This book is entitled "Beginning iOS5 Application Development." Admittedly, I know Wei Meng, so that may result in a little bit of bias.