Extracting Column Names for a Table in SQL as a CSV String

I had a need (creating CSV BCP files) that required knowing the column names of a MS SQL table in the order they were created. Some inspiration from Mark Clerget and a little fooling around with SQL Query Analyzer resulted in the following.

DECLARE @c varchar(4000), @t varchar(128)
SET @c = ''
SET @t='authors'

SELECT @c = @c + c.name + ', '
FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON o.id = c.id
WHERE o.name = @t
ORDER BY colid
SELECT Substring(@c, 1, Datalength(@c) - 2)

Which gives the following result:

au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, zip, contract

Perfect. Note the use of @c = @c + c.name in the select clause to colapse 9 rows into 1 row. I've used this technique many times in the past to generate a single string from multiple rows without resorting to cursors.


  • Thanks, This was very helpfull

  • Awesome! Very useful - that ones going straight to my "snippets", thanks!

  • hi this is very usefull to me....i enjoyed a lot.

  • Just what I need, Thanks

  • Thanks very much, but I'm wondering how to get every column in a seperate row or column space without building up a string. Is this possible?

  • I have an alternate solution that you can add onto easily enough.

    I wanted to dynamically create the data contract objects I was using so that whenever I built my solution in visual studio, a build step would execute this sql statement and use the dataSet to dynamically write the dataContract classes.

    Here's the stored proedure I wrote for it:

    create procedure GetAllTableColumns
    -- select all user tables
    declare @select_string nvarchar (4000)
    declare @table_name varchar(50)
    declare table_cursor Cursor
    FOR select name from sys.objects where type='U'
    set @select_string = 'select name from sys.objects where type=''U'' '
    open table_cursor
    fetch next from table_cursor into @table_name
    while (@@fetch_status = 0)
    set @select_string = @select_string + N'select top 1 * from ' + @table_name + ' '
    fetch next from table_cursor into @table_name
    close table_cursor
    deallocate table_cursor

    exec sp_executesql @select_string


    The first table returned is a list of all the table names (the names of the classes i'm going to write) then each other table has all the column names (accessable through the DataTable.Columns[index].ColumnName property).

    Your idea is a little nicer, putting the data into rows, plus mine can return junk data in the rows too.

    How would you combine these?

  • NICE!

    i did not want to use cursors i got one more way

    DECLARE @c varchar(4000), @t varchar(128)

    SET @c = ''

    SET @t='clusterattributedetails'

    SELECT @c = @c + c.name + ','

    FROM syscolumns c where [id] = OBJECT_ID (@t)

    ORDER BY colid

    SELECT Substring(@c, 1, Datalength(@c) - 1)

    very much the same just that i access only syscolumns!!

  • CREATE procedure [dbo].[RetSp_ColumnList]


    @tablename varchar(128),

    @columnlist varchar(4000) output




    /* *****************************************************************************

    Procedure           : RetSp_ColumnList

    Function / Purpose       : To gives column list of a particular table

    Trigger       :

    Package Name :

    Source File       :

    Name of Author(s)   : Shivam Yadav

    Phase No :

    Start Date       : 30/10/2007


    Called By Business Process : BP_COLUMN_LIST

    Calls       :

    Tables involved     :

    Table Name :

    Maintenance History :

    #No. Modified By Modification Date   Purpose




    SET @columnlist = ''

    --SET @tablename='clusterattributedetails'

    SELECT @columnlist = @columnlist  + c.name + ','

    FROM syscolumns c where [id] = OBJECT_ID (@tablename)

    ORDER BY colid

    /* declare @list as varchar(4000)

    exec [dbo].[RetSp_ColumnList] 'clusterattributedetails', @list output

    print @list


    Select @columnlist as COLUMNSLIST


    drop procedure [dbo].[RetSp_ColumnList]

  • --This will return a table of all your column names for a database

    declare @t table (tbl varchar(50), col varchar(50))
    declare @table_name varchar(50)
    declare table_cursor Cursor

    FOR select name from sys.objects where type='U'
    open table_cursor
    fetch next from table_cursor into @table_name

    while (@@fetch_status = 0)
    insert into @t
    SELECT @table_name,name
    FROM syscolumns
    WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name=@table_name)
    fetch next from table_cursor into @table_name

    close table_cursor
    deallocate table_cursor

    select * from @t

  • iclemartin !
    really elegant code :) without resorting to cursors.

  • --This allows for schemas and same table names within different schemas

    declare @t table (schemaId int, tbl varchar(50), col varchar(50))

    declare @table_name varchar(50)
    declare @objectId int
    declare @schemaId int

    declare table_cursor Cursor

    FOR select name,object_id,schema_id from sys.objects where type='U'

    open table_cursor

    fetch next from table_cursor into @table_name,@objectId,@schemaId
    while (@@fetch_status = 0)


    insert into @t
    SELECT @schemaId as schemaId,@table_name,name
    FROM syscolumns
    WHERE id = @objectId
    fetch next from table_cursor into @table_name,@objectId,@schemaId


    close table_cursor

    deallocate table_cursor

    select ss.name as schemaName, t.tbl, t.col from @t t inner join sys.schemas ss on t.schemaId = ss.schema_id

  • DECLARE @t TABLE (schemaName varchar(255), tableName varchar(255), colName varchar(255))







    sys.objects T

    JOIN sys.schemas S

    ON S.schema_id = T.schema_id

    JOIN sys.columns C

    ON C.[object_id] = T.[object_id]



    SELECT * FROM @t

  • Newbie here and I really want to learn.

    I need to extract all the TABLE names along with their column names in sql as a CSV file.

    From that file, I wanted to use this information to create a webservice (that I would have to create or find in google), that would probe each table for the user ID so that I could display to said user all information connected to them in a dataview or datagrid or table in VB.Net

    Could someone help me with this?

  • The same can be done using information schema for SQL 2000

    declare @StrColSql varchar(2000)
    declare @StrSql nvarchar(2000)
    declare @TableName varchar(200)
    declare @ColmNames varchar(800)
    set @TableName = 'Phases'
    set @StrColSql = ''
    select @StrColSql = @StrColSql + column_name + ',' from information_schema.columns where table_name = @TableName
    SET @ColmNames = Substring(@StrColSql, 1, Datalength(@StrColSql)-1)
    select Datalength(@StrColSql)
    print @ColmNames

    visit www.codepal.co.in

  • Hi Wayne Allen

    I am santosh from INDIA

     Thanks For the Qurty Which u have posted It's really USe full For All



  • Lovely, saved me boatloads of time. Thanks dude.

  • you can get all the columns of a table by following query..

    select COLUMN_NAME
    WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'table_name'

  • Thanks Vicky. At the time of the original post the information_* tables didn't exist.

  • thanks...very helpful post

  • Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for.

  • Thanks very useful keep on posting

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