We are all about AngularJS !

AngularJS is a client-side JavaScript framework created to simplify your life. Okay, so I’m exaggerating a little…. But it does make front-end development much easier!

Why? You know that as time passed apps got more and more complex, especially in an interactive aspect, and avoiding spaghetti codes with JavaScript or JQuery became too complicated. You are not the only one that wanted to simplify the development and organize the code…some great people was also thinking about this so they built a couple of powerful framework to help us all… Knockout, Backbone, Ember and Angular appeared to fight complex and tangled source codes. And, among them AngularJS was the most accepted by the community. Again, why?

Well, our Ninja developers love AngularJS, they are using it for different projects, integrating other Microsoft platforms, this is what I have heard!

 “It is expressive, readable and it facilitates maintenance”

“We are developing an app and an add-on designed especially for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and we are using AngularJS to do it “

“SharePoint itself is changing from being a server-based platform to a browser-based one, and it encourages the use of frameworks like AngualrJS”

 “It provides a well-organized structure and therefor is quick to develop”

 “Our client chose AngularJS to develop a real state app. The framework helps us leverage our development process, it is faster than working with JavaScript or others. The code is better in quality, it has fewer bugs and it is easier to maintain.”

“It optimizes testing experience and boosts software creation”

 “Using AngularJS for dashboard applications is a great advantage for us, the developers, when it comes to time and organization”

Yes, I know… our talented developers seem to have a bit of a crush with this framework! But in this case love is not blind! Let us introduce you to AngularJS and you will see how easy is to adore it!

Click here to read the full article!  We are all about AngularJS. Do you want to know why?


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    بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يوفر تخزين العفش مساحة إضافية في المنزل، مما يساعد في تحسين تنظيم المساحة وإبقائها منظمة وأكثر فعالية. يمكن استخدام هذه المساحة الإضافية لأغراض أخرى مثل التخزين المؤقت أو إعطاء مزيد من الحرية في ترتيب الديكور الداخلي للمنزل.
    تخزين العفش بشكل صحيح يضمن أيضًا سلامة الممتلكات، حيث يمكن توفير حماية إضافية ضد العوامل البيئية مثل الرطوبة، والحرارة الشديدة، والغبار، والعوامل الجوية الأخرى التي قد تؤثر سلبًا على جودة الأثاث.
    باختصار، يعتبر تخزين العفش خطوة هامة للحفاظ على جودة وسلامة الأثاث، وتوفير مساحة إضافية في المنزل، وتحسين تنظيم المساحة. يوفر تخزين العفش حلاً مثاليًا للحفاظ على الممتلكات بشكل آمن ومنظم خلال فترات عدم الاستخدام

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