Visual Studio Mobile Center workshop at .NET Conf UY

UruIT sponsors key Microsoft conference in South America and facilitates Visual Studio Mobile Center workshop

From the 23rd to the 27th of October we will be participating in the .NET Conf UY 2017 to share the latest updates about .NET and other Microsoft technologies. This is the event’s fourth year and it’s a great opportunity to exchange ideas with peers and learn from renowned national and international experts. The agenda offers several activities including:

If you’re attending the .NET Conf UY,  feel free to visit our stand at any time – please come and say hello! We will be at our stand, sharing more information about our experience and opportunities as a nearshore outsourcing development company. In addition, you’re invited to a workshop that myself and another Mobile Dev from UruIT, Sebastián Cabrera, are going to facilitate along with our friends at Arkano on October 25th.

Get to know more about this Visual Studio Mobile Center workshop in the link!


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