Getting value from a software outsourcing partner before you commit

How we benefit potential clients before they even hire us

At UruIT we take every project we are involved in very seriously. Before a project starts, we go through a process we call scoping, during which our goal is to connect with the potential software outsourcing partner, find out what their needs are and understand if we are the right partners to help them.

“Where is the excitement of something like that?”, you may think… And it’s true, scoping is challenging because it is the very beginning of a relationship. This means no one knows anything about the other. You may say that scoping can be a burden, because no one knows for sure if we will end up working together. However, for us, the scoping process has a purpose greater than selling our services and it brings value even if we don’t end up working together.

At the very end of 2016 we decided to experiment with a new way of making scoping as natural and smooth as possible. We decided to invite more members from various disciplines to take part in the process, so that the best ideas would come forth when discussing new projects.

That’s when we decided to create multidisciplinary scoping teams with a common goal, and this strategy has been working since then.

The scoping team

The team is shaped commonly by a Tech Leader, a UX Designer, a Product Owner and a Business Developer. For each new business opportunity we create a specific team. The people who make part of this team have something to add to the conversation. They may be experts in the potential client’s industry, field or technology. Every time a new opportunity arises, the commercial team starts to build a scoping team, which is provisional. The opportunity is posted in our Slack where everyone can offer to be part of this team. That actually doesn’t mean that they will be on the project if the deal is done. It just means that they want to bring his/her experience to the table and help.

Find out more about our scoping model and how we provide value to our potential clients before starting a project in the original post!


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