Divide and Conquer with Microservices

How microservices are changing the way we make applications

The way to build software has changed over time; there are now many paradigms, languages, architectures and methodologies. Building applications based on microservices does not guarantee that the application will be a success (there’s no architecture nor methodology that guarantee that either), however it’s an approach that will teach you to manage your logical resources, components or modules. As a result, you can replicate them in different projects throughout your career, optimize resources and scale your applications in an agile way.

The beginning of my experience as a software developer was not easy; I had to change the paradigms I knew. I also had to read a lot, not only about technologies, but also about operating systems, volumes, and Unix sockets, among others things. In addition, I had to face challenges, and I am still facing them, because the implementations can be many, depending on the business requirements. This learning process didn’t just last a few weeks, but over a year and I’m still discovering new things! I had to learn to abstract a lot of business logic and divide it into reusable components, not only in one project, but also for use in other projects. Thinking about microservices definitely helped me to be a better programmer and take on new challenges, especially since the programming language takes a secondary role.

Read the full article about microservices here!


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  • Thanks for sharing this information.

  • That is a good good job thanks for sharing this article.

  • This learning process didn’t just last a few weeks, but over a year and I’m still discovering new things! I had to learn to abstract a lot of business logic and divide it into reusable components, not only in one project, but also for use in other projects.

  • Microservices are revolutionizing the way we develop and structure applications, bringing about a paradigm shift in software architecture. Unlike traditional monolithic applications where all functionalities are tightly integrated into a single codebase, microservices advocate breaking down an application into smaller, loosely coupled, and independently deployable services.

  • Microservices break down applications into smaller, independent modules that perform specific functions. This decoupling allows teams to work on individual services without affecting the entire application, leading to greater agility and faster development cycles.

  • Microservices are changing the way we design, develop, and deploy applications by promoting a modular and decentralized approach.

  • In a monolithic architecture, an application is usually built as a single, tightly integrated unit. Microservices promote modularity by breaking down the application into smaller services that are loosely coupled. This makes it easier to develop, test, and maintain individual components without affecting the entire application.

  • Microservices architecture is a software development approach that involves building applications as a collection of loosely coupled, independently deployable services. These services are designed to focus on specific business functions and communicate with each other through well-defined APIs. This approach has brought about significant changes in the way applications are developed and maintained.

  • Microservices architecture is fundamentally changing the way applications are developed, deployed, and maintained. This approach breaks down complex applications into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled individually.

  • Microservices allow applications to be divided into smaller, manageable components. Each service can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently based on its specific requirements. This modularity enhances scalability and makes it easier to adapt to changes in demand.

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  • panorama charter is an employee portal created by the charter spectrum. Employees can find their information and access important data directly from the portal.

  • Such a great article. so informing. thank you so much.

  • such a great article. thank you so much.

  • ohh..what a nice article.great read pal..

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  • Such a great article. so informing. thank you so much.

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