First post leads to first retraction
I haven't been doing pure XP. My last two projects have been done with a partner and we used just enough methodology to get the project done predictably. Of the 12 tenets of XP, we used OnsiteCustomer, PairProgramming, TestDrivenDevelopment, ContinousIntegration, RefactorMercilessly, SimpleDesign, CollectiveCodeOwnership, CodingConventions and SustainablePace. We didn't do PlanningGame, SystemMetaphor or SmallReleases. We didn't have an XP coach and didn't involve our customer in feature prioritization as much as we should have.
A negative observer might have called our process HackAndSlash. For two experienced developers who work together comfortably, pair programming and lots of nUnit tests keep things in good shape. The Wiki I linked above is a great place to learn more!