Scott Weinstein on .Net
Scott Weinstein on .Net, Linq, PowerShell, WPF, and WCF
Some interesting sessions at the Microsoft Enterprise Developer and Solutions Conference
CPU Monitoring and Alerting via Performance counters, Coral8, and PowerShell
The PowerShell team has a short post on using V2 cmdlets to Monitor performance counters.
CEP, Citi, and Coral8
The system I helped build at my previous job gets a nice write-up in Wall Street & Technology:
Using Coral8 and PowerShell to receive eventing data
I’ve updated the PowerShell Coral8 adapter so it can be used to receive input. Rather than demonstrate input from a database or an RSS stream, both of which can are supported by the native Coral8 adapters, I have a demo with WMI events. In this case allowing us to monitor process creation across a network.
Stream transforms in Coral8 via .Net
In the first post on integrating PowerShell and Coral8 I showed how to create a message sink. In C#ish pseudocode we did the following:
Automatic properties in PowerShell… and how you can almost have them for your custom types
For certain types, PowerShell has automatic properties, by this I mean PowerShell is able to inspect the object and then expose properties where normally you would need to use a string indexer.
In-process PowerShell adapter for Coral8
A few days ago a thought crept into my head; wouldn’t it be nice if I could have a Coral8 in-process adapter to run PowerShell code? If it worked it could potentially be a “universal” adapter, limiting the need for custom one-off adapters.
Adding var args support to office integration functions with dynamic lambda expressions
Anyone who’s ever done office integration has come across a method definition like so:
Linq2Kdb+ Provider - source code update
A few months ago, over the winter holiday, I put together a Linq provider for the Kdb+ database. The folks at KX systems have graciously provided a place to host the code, which you can find at Use anonymous/anonymous for access.
Dependency Injection for end-of-lifecycle clean up
The benefits of using an inversion of control container for simplifying the task of initializing an object graph have been well covered. But the benefits of using an IoC container for simplifying object cleanup are not as well publicized, and is a feature that I've grown to really like taking advantage of.