CPU Monitoring and Alerting via Performance counters, Coral8, and PowerShell
The PowerShell team has a short post on using V2 cmdlets to Monitor performance counters.
Building on that, and the prior work with the PoShAdapter, here’s a sample with Coral8 and PowerShell to alert you via SMS when the rolling 30 seconds average CPU hits a threshold.
create VARIABLE float CPUThreashold = 70; create OUTPUT STREAM fakeout SCHEMA (x string); CREATE SCHEMA CPUSchema (cpu FLOAT); create INPUT STREAM inCPU SCHEMA CPUSchema; create OUTPUT STREAM highCPU SCHEMA CPUSchema; create local STREAM avgCPU SCHEMA CPUSchema; ATTACH OUTPUT ADAPTER smsAdapter TYPE PoShAdapter TO STREAM highCPU PROPERTIES BEGINBLOCK = [[ Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Coral8\Server\bin\GmailHelper.dll" $pass = ".." ]], PROCESSBlock = [[ foreach ($cpuSpike in $input) { $m = "CPU spike at {0:0.00}" -f $cpuSpike['cpu'] [RC.Gmail.GmailMessage]::SendFromGmail("user", $pass,"6465555555@tmomail.net", "Via Powershell/Coral8",$m) } ]]; ATTACH OUTPUT ADAPTER CPUAdapter TYPE PoShAdapter TO STREAM fakeout PROPERTIES RESULTSSTREAM = "ccl://localhost:6789/Stream/Default/MonitorCPU/inCPU", INPUTBLOCK = [[ Get-Counter '\Processor(*)\% Processor Time' | select -expand CounterSamples | ? { $_.InstanceName -eq "_total" } | % { ,,($_.CookedValue,0) } # ]]; INSERT into avgCPU select avg(cpu) from inCPU keep 30 SECONDS OUTPUT EVERY 30 SECONDS; INSERT into highCPU select cpu from avgCPU WHERE cpu > CPUThreashold;
*I lowered the threshold for testing
** Yes, I should check my voice mail