How To: Troubleshoot Microsoft.Net Framework installation issues

When Microsoft Windows Installer is incorrectly registered in the Windows registry, the .NET Framework version Setup program cannot gain access to some Windows Installer components. The below articles discuss how to work around this issue by unregistering and then reregistering Windows Installer.

We may not always be able to completely remove the .NET Framework version by using the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel. The below articles also discuss how to work around this issue either by manually removing the .NET Framework version from your computer and then reinstalling the .NET Framework version, or by repairing the .NET Framework version.


  • hi, i noticed in my control panel of programs installed, there are various versions of .Net Framework installed, from version 1.0 to 3.5.

    Do I need them all? I was pondering the idea to uninstall them all & just install the latest version. Is there a special process re: what not to uninstall?

    Perhaps you can enlighten me here?


  • I restored my computer and i get a message which states that Framework v2.o,mscorwks.dill would not load.
    what is the remedy

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