Our First ASP.NET 3.5 Site Goes Live!!

Hello All,

UPDATE 20080409:

Another site has launced, check out www.betts.com.au!!!



Finally our first ASP.NET 3.5 website went live today, there are 2 more to come but this one is the only one live atm:


This has been challenging and fun as we have used all the latest tools and technologies in this project, some include:

- Visual Studio 2008
- ASP.NET 3.5

There are really cool features in this site too, for example the paging in the catalogue is done with ajax but using custom link controls I have allowed SEO to still work. It has full AJAX history support too. There are custom developed ASP.NET AJAX controls and extensive caching, plus much more.

All in all this project was great to work on, being able to use .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 saved us a lot of time, and using LINQ to SQL cut down creating the DAL quite a bit. Of course with all new techs we have had challenges along the way, but still developed it alot quicker using VS 2008 and .NET 3.5.

That is all for now, might try post on our challenges sometime soon.



  • Nice work man, you were making me jealous at work when you started to use VS 2008 while I was still stuck in VS 2005 land.

    The sites are awesome.

  • Cheers mate,

    Yes its been cool using the latest stuff, makes life easier (sometimes) and it is interesting to do. I must say some of your MOSS stuff looks cool too :)


  • Stefan,

    This site has FLAIR! Nice work.

    I'd be interested in learning more about your LINQ to SQL implementation for the DAL.

    A blurb about your post will be in the OakLeaf blog's LINQ and Entity Framework Posts for 4/3/2008+ later today.


  • Thanks Roger,

    The implementation of the DAL used a simple approach, we just added our CRUD operations to a partial class based on our generated business objects. This was the simplest approach for the project and it is all that was needed.


    partial class Person {
    public static void Update(DataContext db);
    public static void Insert(DataContext db);
    public static void Select(DataContext db, int id);

    Tedious I know but not that many tables to work with. Next time I will be taking using a 3 tiered system (with a generic factory) which will be disconnected, which should save time redefining the tedious CRUD operations in each class and be alot more manageable.

    I found that you run into issues doing it the way it was done, but nothing that couldn't be dealt with. All in all a great experience.


  • Stef... you R such the geek! :p

    Great site thou... I agree. Hopefully the other two will be ready by mid week - means I better get a move on with the content!


  • Man this site has some serious BLING to it. You should change your name to the Bling commander!

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