PDC Countdown: Come to My BOF Session on Caching

I'm hosting a Birds of a Feather session on ASP.NET Caching techniques and strategies on Tuesday 10/28 at 9pm - 10pm.  Please join me if you're interested.  You can find a complete schedule of the Birds of a Feather sessions at Jeffrey McManus' Blog.


  • I won't be able to afford the PDC as well, but I did hit all your sessions at DevConnections. I was only going to go to your first lecture but was so impressed by your grasp of the material that I ended up going to all of them. Not trying to stroke any ego's here, but I thought your lecture was phenominal. Looking through just a few web sites such as regexlib.com, aspalliance.com, here (obviously), I felt a consentration of just completely useful material that is practical to the common developer. Keep up the good work man, I'll be following you around. :)

  • Thanks for sharing.

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