aspnet_compiler.exe exited with code 1
After coding a .NET 2.0 project in VS 2005, I built and ran the project successfully with no compiler errors or warnings. However, once i added a Web Deployment Project and tried to compile it, it gave me the error "aspnet_compiler.exe exited with code 1". After doing some searching, I was able to find (more or less) the problem by running the aspnet_compiler manually with the error stack. The steps I followed are summarized below:
- Drop into the Visual Studion 2005 Command Prompt
- Run the aspnet_compiler.exe with the errorstack flag on your project (where Z:\PROJECT is the location of your project)
- For Example: prompt> aspnet_compiler.exe -errorstack -v /PROJECT -p Z:\PROJECT
- Look for the problem in the output-- in my case it was [HttpParseException]: Unexpected end of file looking for </form> tag
- Since it doesn't give you a specific line number, search through your ASPX files and try to find the error (I searched for <form>).
After fixing the problem, re-run the complier to ensure the problem is solved. After that, you will be able to compiler your Web Deployment Project.