Biztalk vs Business components

We are trying to evaluate whether we need BizTalk server for our current requirement in the client place and I was reading the “Application architecture for .NET”(patterns and practices) and these are the recommendations.

You will use business workflows implemented with BizTalk orchestration to

  • Manage a process that involves multiple steps and long-running transactions.
  • Expose an interface that implements a business process enabling your application to engage in a conversation or contact with other services.
  • Take advantage of the broad range of adaptors and connectors for multiples technologies that are available for BizTalk server.

Alternatively, you can implement business process using only business components when

  • You do not need to maintain conversation state beyond the business activity, and the business functionality can be implemented as a single atomic transaction.
  • You need to encapsulate functionality and logic that can be reused from many business processes.
  • The business logic that needs to be implemented is computationally intensive or needs fine-grained control of data structures and APIs.
  • You need to have fine-grained control over data and flow of logic.

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