Binding problems

I recently came across a problem in a GUI i had designed. The UI was data bound to an object, now when the user entered some text in a textbox, the change only got propogated back to the object when the user moved the focus away from the textbox. Not acceptable!!  plus if the user happened to press the toolbar save button or use keyboard shortcuts, the value in the textbox was not saved back to the object.
The problem is that by default, data is written to the source only when the validating event of the control fires.
The solution i used was to derive a custom textbox
public class FastValidatingTextBox : TextBox
  protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
   base.OnTextChanged (e);
   Binding binding = this.DataBindings["Text"];
   if(binding == null)
Using this class as soon the text changes the value gets committed back to the object.

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