
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Training Session Observation

    It is nice once in a while to get back to the course or training session you took and make sure that you haven't wasted your time for nothing. This is not about ego, this is about making sure that what ever you know today will be absolutely no enough tomorrow and constantly remind yourself this basic law of software development.

  • C# 3.0 Auto Property And NHibernate

    I was reading about NHibernate mapping of the properties that have no setter, and how it's done through the backing field (reflection I assume). The setting looks like this:

  • Pair Programming And Sharing Knowledge

    Pair programming is a proven technique for sharing knowledge among team members and teams. Benefits of that are felt after relatively a short period of time, boosting not just the productivity, but self-confidence of the developers (which is playing an important role even though is not admitted), and most of all, improving the maintainability of the code when it comes later. And it comes. It always comes.

  • Know Your Friends Well, Know Your Enemies Better

    Long time ago I had to deal with a case where the famous ViewState generated by WebForms was quiet heavy. This post is not going to wine about how bad ViewState is for the environment. This post is to show that even working with something big and nasty such as web forms, you still have to give a thought what are you trying to do and what is out there that can help you to accomplish the mission.

  • Understanding IoC Container - Part 2

    I try to lower expectations in order not to be disappointed, but in this case I was asked by several individuals to address the fact that IoC container power is in the ability to "hook" implementer with the contract through an external file, leaving application code unaware of the actual implementer till the run-time, having no reference to implementers' assembly or whatsoever. I am going to expand the sample from the part 1 post to achieve that goal in a couple of days.

  • Free (OSS) Virtual Machine Software - VirtualBox

    I was exposed to an interesting product from innotek called VirtualBox. If you like MS VPC or VMWare, check this one out. It's free, it's not bad (so far I was just playing with it installing Windows XP and running some applications on a quiet slow host machine). Would love to hear others comments on this one, or any other alternative that is welcomed.

  • Understanding IoC Container

    In a multi layered application architecture, loosely coupled code is more than a important. It's the basic which can either help the entire project progress, or drive it down the slope to the end (in the bad meaning of the word). One of the basics to keep coupling as low as possible is Inversion of Control (IoC) container.

  • Domain Objects vs. Primitive Types

    Lately I am paying more and more attention to aspects of Domain Driven Development (DDD), development where code is looking more at the domain in which it is trying to resolve problem(s), rather than technologies it is using. One of the biggest headaches that you getting into when trying to adopt DDD is persistence. Normally persistence is done in Relational database such as SQL server, Oracle, or another vendor database. And this is exactly the problem - Object Oriented model vs. Relational Data model. So what is more important, a software that is written in DDD way,  that forces you to put DB on a lower priority, or DB efficiency as a priority pushing your software from Domain driven development to become a Data Driven development? If you asking me - domain is more  valuable. I will show an example that to me serves the best proof for those who still try to save the "extra round trips to DB" or "we could combine the queries and have a single call to the DB". Keep in mind, I am not going against DB efficiency, after all a sloppy data access can kill the best application out there. But having a great data access model will not make you application writing easier, on contrary.