
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • NoSQL is Gaining Weight

    Looks like more people are looking into OODB. This post I found recently is experimenting with db4o, as well as has a healthy discussion in the comments section. This is ties into what I felt and thought a while ago after reading a book on db4o.

  • Generating AssemblyInfo with NAnt Gotcha

    As a part of the build script I tend to generate AssemblyInfo.cs in order to inject assembly information dynamically, such as version, name, etc. One gotcha I ran into lately, is when you have internals that are testable and need to generate that information from NAnt as well.

  • NHibernate Session Factory

    Each time we use NHibernate, we have to share production and semi-production code for NHibernate SessionFactory. Production code is the portion that is actually responsible to generate the SessionFactory on startup. Semi-production code, is the code that generates SessionFactory for purpose of schema extraction (SQL statements we use to generate DB). This time around, the smell had to be removed. Having identical code duplicated not only risky, but also becomes intolerable once it grows beyond a single line. This is our new SessionBuilder, that leverages the same code to generate SessionFactory for run-time purpose and schema generation at “design” time.

  • Blogging as a Recruiting Tool

    We got two good developers applied and accepted to the company from what it looks through my blog. I have posted about 2 weeks ago that we are looking for developers. This is great! We need more people. Same call is still active.

  • Clipboard on the Net

    I like the idea of being able to copy something and paste it on the net. It’s handy, no registration is required, and it’s temporary, just as clipboard supposed to be.