.NET, code, personal thoughts
Fixing NServiceBus default databus serializer in .NET 6
Upgrading to .NET 6, updating all the packages, boosters turned on, launching testing.
Sagas with Azure Service Bus
Handling messages out of order is always tricky. The asynchronous nature of messaging makes it challenging. On top of that, systems in the real world are messy and unpredictable. That's why handling workflows always brings more complexity than just handling messages. To illustrate the challenge, I'll use a scenario where my workflow depends on two different services.
Impersonating Events
Executing Azure Timer function manually
Service Bus Message to Blob
About 5+ years ago I blogged about turning messages into audit blobs. Back then, it was for Storage Queue messages and the early Azure Functions implementation that required portal configuration. Since then, Storage Queues has been replaced by Azure Service Bus and Azure Functions has gained the ability to declare everything through the code. And not only that but also in two different ways, using
Azure Functions Isolated Worker - Sending multiple messages
Azure Functions Elevated
A recent talk I gave online at ServerlessDays Amsterdam
Automatically provision NServiceBus Service Bus Function endpoint topology
Automatically create Service Bus trigger queue for Azure Function
User Secrets, the human-readable version