.NET, code, personal thoughts
CosmosDB - container provisioning throttling
Goodbye Azure Storage Emulator. Hello Azurite!
Event Grid advanced filters and value pooling
Deploying an Azure WebJob with GitHub Actions
Azure Service Bus SDK - Safe Batching
Service Bus Explorer in Azure Portal
Azure Service Bus SDK - Receiving ServiceBusReceivedMessage(s)
Azure Service Bus SDK - Sending ServiceBusMessage(s)
Azure Service Bus SDK - ServiceBusClient
The future of Azure Service Bus .NET SDK
The Azure Service Bus SDK for .NET is one of the oldest Azure SDKs. Its first public appearance as a NuGet package
goes back to 2011. Back then, it was for .NET Framework and closed source. The package had an excellent mileage and is still used on multiple projects even today. And then the .NET Core and Standard have landed. Times have changed, open-source has become much more mainstream and accepted. The Azure Service Bus .NET SDK has moved into the brand new world with a successor package,Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus
. Started in early 2017, it showed up, causing some havoc to the brownfield projects. These projects were forced to face a complete rewrite due to the nature of the disruptive changes introduced by the new package. Once the dust has settled, the old and the new SDK nomenclature has established, and slowly projects have embraced the new SDK. There was a balance in the Force.