
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • DSCM – Enjoy Both Worlds

    A while ago, the team I was part of had a discussion about choosing the best DSCM (Distributed Source Code Management). Two candidate back then were Mercurial (Hg) and Git. We were already using Subversion and very accustomed to VisualSVN in conjunction with TortoiseSVN. Opinions split, time frames never allowed to actually make the switch and so the question remained unanswered: which one is to go with.

  • ASP.NET 4 CMS–Book

    I have looked for a book about CMS concepts and was excited to spot ASP.NET 4 CMS. As much as I was excited initially, that much I was disappointed as going through the book. Here a few things I did not find pleasant about it:

  • The Clean Coder – Book Review


    Uncle Bob did it again. Another book that is full of experience and wisdom. This time it’s not about code, it’s about being a professional developer and what it means. I really loved the book. There were so many examples that I couldn’t not to smile recalling instances from my own experience having parallels with what is described in the book. One particular sentence I really loved was about TDD:

  • Mercurial on IIS

    Mercurial is a very appealing distributed source code versioning system. I used it with Google code and also for some local work when no server repository was available. Worked great. This time I wanted to go through the scenario of setting up Mercurial as a team repository with a centralized server. This would be still useful for an individual developer to have local commits (better than committing every single change just to ensure it’s captured) and would allow to push an entire change set to be versioned on the server and allow others to retrieve that change set with all the “intermediate bookmarks”.

  • Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests – Book

    imageAn interesting book about not just how to develop with TDD, but also how to grow a project that utilizes TDD process. When developing code using TDD, you are unavoidably face the difficulties of maintaining 2 “project”s – production code and tests/specs. This is a Java code book, but principles are the same and applicable to .NET as well. Good read, though I would not tie too many hopes to the book. After all, you cannot learn how to shave on someone’s else beard.

  • dotPeak

    JetBrains has released the beta version of their tool that can replace Reflector. Just the navigation around with R# like shortcuts is worth trying it. I tried Telerik’s JustDecompile, though it wasn’t as good as dotPeek. ILSpy is another player on the field, that I have tried to use. So far the leader is dotPeek. Let’s see how the game will go. Once thing is obvious – Reflector is loosing.

  • Generic Repository–Cons

    Generic Repository (something like Repository<T>) is a good concept with intention of keeping code DRY, though problematic. Here are a few drawbacks of a generic repository: