
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework

    I have started this book long time ago, but never got to end of it. Finally, I had a imagechance to do so. What a great book. The cover says “The Expert’s Voice in .NET”, and I found Seven Sanderson a real expert in ASP.NET MVC.

  • Not Caving In on TDD

    TDD causes different people react to it in a completely different way. Some just jump on it like on a glass of a cold sparkling drink in the heat of a summer day. Some run away from it like it’s a wild dog ready to take a bite. Some feel that there might be a value for them in it, but don’t really want to move away from the comfort zone. And the last group of people always have an interesting way making an attempt to justify why having no TDD is good.

  • Jenkins – Getting Revision for Project with Multiple Modules

    I ran into this problem just recently on a project that has more than a single repository for a project. Using Jenkins (Hudson) was awesome for the past 2+ years and I was surprised that it couldn’t handle revision environment variable assignment when more than a single module had a place in a build job. According to some threads, this is done by design. One workaround in particular that I liked was to look into the poll log file and get information out of it.

  • TestDriven.NET AnyCPU Tests

    TestDriven.NET defaults tests for code running on AnyCPU platform to be executed under 32-bit process by default. In order to change that, it has to be configured in VS through Tools –> Options –> TestDriven.NET –> AnyCPU Tests

  • IIS 7 - Writing Log Files

    I have ran into a problem while using NLog with web application – logs not created when application is deployed to IIS. Everything would indicate that this is permissions issue, except that I couldn’t figure out what account my web application was running under. Under II6 it was simple – IUSR, but with IIS 7 things have changed a little. Then I learned about Application Pool Identities. Very interesting, especially when locating an account DefaultAppPool resolves nothing, but IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool does find DefaultAppPool. Either way, once I set write permissions for DefaultAppPool on the web application folder controlled by IIS, my problems were solved.