Windows Phone

Windows Phone, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 7.5. And still no change. Consumer is not attracted. I hear a lot about cool features and awesome innovations on various .NET podcasts. A lot is written in MSDN magazine and different .NET developer blogs. Yet consumer is not interested. Or maybe is not even aware of all the mighty potential that can be his or her just by trading the iconical iPhone for Windows logo. Heck, let the trends show what consumer is interested in:


Looking around, I can’t find a single one in use among my friends and co-workers. Ironically, quite a few of those happened to be developers as well. So where does it hide? Oh, maybe it masks under that apple logo?…


If you don’t give it to consumer, it doesn’t matter how great it is, it is still a failure.


  • Your missing key information in your analysis. A lot can be attributed to the cell phone carriers themselves. A perfect example is Verizon. When a new Android phone comes around, they hype it up for weeks, even months, and proudly display it large on their home page with fancy Flash animations. When the first WP7 phone came out, not a single announcement, no fanfare, on release day, it was a small link on their website that you had to search for. If you go to a store, same thing. iPhone and Android everywhere, no advertising or even a mention from the sales people for WP7. So, how do you expect the consumer to know about it?

    I'm glad I waited for the HTC Trophy. I have an Android through work, and it's awful. WP7 is SO much better. I love it. And, it's sad that most will never hear about it because of an apathetic group of cell phone carriers who are addicted to their profits from Android and iPhone and don't want a new phone to bite into that profit.

  • @kwyjibo,
    Thank you for pointing that out. I do agree the phone carriers have a role in the awareness generation. Yet I think this is a free market, and the do what they find is more profitable. After all it's their business. It is Microsoft that should work harder to tap this market and generate the buzz, not the phone providers. When customers will anticipate WP7 and asked that from carriers, those will quickly update their song.

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