Time and Kids

This is not a technical post.

A while ago I was told that you always have time, you just don’t know how to manage it. I tried to resist to that person, knowing nothing about life of family with little kids. Yes, you can make “borrow” some time from family and kids, but that is not an option I would take.

The article below is a very accurate description of what it’s like, and highly recommended to those “that know better” :)



  • What? Kids take time to raise? Gads, I don't believe it!

    Everything is a choice in life. It is just that kids are a choice with a 20 year commitment (minimum) and are non-returnable. Like a lot of things in IT as well, they will consume 100% of your available resources too.

    Make sure you make some time for parents as spouses and for yourself... tricky I am sure, but important.

  • @Doug,
    I think return is different based on ones expectations. For myself, I see in my kids a great potential that I couldn't realize, but they have a chance. I see in my kids our evolution. Imagine, everything we can give them (and I am not talking about material status) they can use as a start line, so the finish is way beyond our own achievements.
    With the software IMHO it is way more complicated :D From my own experience, it is possible to have time for everything, but at the right time. Prioritizing is important. Just like with software, would you like to have all features coded poorly or a few core ones coded very well and later get the rest? So is with the kids, invest in their beginning, so that later you can have piece of mind for yourself and know that they have the right start.
    Someone wise told me that we can be judged as parents only when kids have kids on their own. So I still have a long way to go. The journey is fun so far.

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