First Milestone

I learned from a wise man that celebrating small successes as important as the having big one, if not even more. So today I would like to thank my team for the effort they made in such a short period of time and with a quiet a steep learning curve they had to go through. One picture is worth a thousand words.


Some statistics:

Project size - small

Project form scratch to functional all T/BDD time - 2 weeks*

Team - no TDD, no principles, no solid OO till about 3 months only

Components - web components, windows service component

OSS projects used - NHibernate

Testing frameworks used - MbUnit 3, Rhino.Mocks 3.5, WatiN 2

Testing performed - unit, integration (load is not there yet, but I am sure next iteration it will)


* we literally started from absolutely nothing, bringing no code from existing projects.


Great work team!


  • Congratulation to all of you. I am working for a small organization where none of senior person is serious for integrating testing with development. have you any advise - how should developers like me can start with Testing as you did.


  • @Pradeep,
    I will be honest - it is not easy to be the only one to push and promote. It is even harder when you expect even a little help, but don't get any. Recommending is not working, as it is extremely personal, depends on your reputation as a developer in the company, how willing people to follow you (management and development). One thing though I will recommend - don't give up. If you can't change the environment to adopt what you are trying to put in place, change the work place. Don't be scared to move forward - you will get even more frustrated if you don't do what feel right. JP has told me about the book called "The Dream Giver", regardless if you are religious person or not, it will give you some ideas. Stick to the people you want to be with, books - they have more than the cover shows, code camps, reading sessions, UG meetings. Be passionate and determined, be motivated. And most of all, be gentle with others. You want testing, not others. They might secretly wish it, but hide and even publicly reject due to the fear and inconvenience they feel in front of 'unknown'.

    I wish you good luck, and don't give up.

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