Creating collection with no code (almost)

When doing testing, I tend to create an object mother for the items generated multiple times for specifications. Quite often these objects need to be a part of a collection. A neat way to do so is to leverage .NET params mechanism:

    public static IEnumerable<T> CreateCollection<T>(params T[] items)
      return items;

And usage is the following:

private static IEnumerable<IPAddress> addresses = CreateCollection(new IPAddress(123456789), new IPAddress(987654321));


  • why wouldn't you do:
    private static IEnumerable addresses = new IPAddress[]{ new IPAddress(""), new IPAddress("")};

  • This seems pointless...... can't you just use object initialization syntax?
    private static IEnumerable addresses = new IPAddress[] { new IPAddress(123456789), new IPAddress(123456789) };

    It makes maintenance a nightmare when you fill your code with unnecessary library methods. It also makes it very hard for a new programmer to come in and work on your code when you use non-standard conventions and library functions.

    Every c# programmer knows object initialization, and will instantly understand what your doing with it, conversely no-one understands the purpose of "CreateCollection" until they look at the source code.

  • I wonder why you don't use:

    private static IEnumerable addresses = new [] { new IPAddress.... };

  • Sean, I might reconsider the name since you aren't really returning a Collection.

    I'm also leaning toward the other guys comments.

    For your specific scenario another, perhaps not as elegant for the implementation of the helper method, but easier for the consumer...


    static IEnumerable CreateMany( int count )
    return Enumerable.Range(1,count).Select(i => IPAddress_Mother.CreateOne());

    Regardless, what you have is quite slick.

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