Agile Stickies Board – Part 2 - Colors

In my previous post I talked about efficiency of whiteboard with stickies as a tracking tool for a project progress. During last iteration, our PM has suggested to “color code” features with different color stikies. Boy it worked great. Apparently, this is a great way to ease progress reading for a specific feature.

To make it possible, we put the name of the feature with the appropriate color sticky on the top of the whiteboard. The rest – picture will prove it.


PS: the bottom left corner represents all known items in Backlog with low priority.

Done-done column is not captured here, it’s a whiteboard (smaller) on it’s own, that is getting slowly filled up with items form “In QA”, when those are accepted, and all associated items with it (from Dev. Complete) are moved.

PSS: The hot pink – these are the bugs, they get attached to the appropriate stickes in order to attract attention and get fixed ASAP (example in column “In Progress”).


  • Интересный пост, очень интересно было почитать

  • Любопытно! Только не могу понять как часто обновляется блог? :)

  • @markvt,
    we do a daily snapshot at a quality of image that allows reading of stikies. When changes are too many for a single day, we take several snapshots (mostly two so far). We do have a tracking tool as well, but honestly, it proved to be a waste of time once you trying to put in it more than user story detail (ie tasks). Tasks are coming and going, managing those on a whiteboard is way simpler.

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