ScottD's Musings
C#, .NET, ASP.NET, Automated Unit Testing, Middle Tier Development, and various topics!
More Cool Developer Tools - ORM Tools
Maybe someday I will come up with my own original blog entry, instead of just linking to someone elses' cool post! ;) I will be posting some TDD-type discussions in the near future, because I really want to hear some feedback!
Halo 2 @ Midnight Tonight! Locations?
If you're not one of the lucky ones that have Halo 2 on order, and can't wait until Tuesday to purchase it, click here to find a list of retailers who will be open at Midnight on Monday.
Need help with Regular Expressions? Looking for that "rock solid" RegEx string for your validation needs?
I'd like to extoll the greatness that is Searchable library of regular expressions for your every need! With RSS feeds for Recent patterns & Recent comments! More importantly, they provide the ability to test each and every string stored in their database, directly from their site! Great job guys!
Star Wars Epidode III Trailer!
If you haven't heard already, the Lucas has released the Teaser/Trailer for Star Wars III: Revenge Of The Sith. Here is the *official* schedule:
Want a Gmail account? Answer this Uber-Easy VS.NET 2003 IDE Question
If anyone wants a email account, I'll give it to the first person who answers this correctly:
Complete Stats on the "Washington Redskins/Election Impact" Discovered
By now, I'm sure that many of you heard the following statement in the sports media:
Dear Microsoft: Don't limit Unit Testing & Code Coverage to VS 2005 Team System
Thanks to Rob Caron for featuring these links on the "What's New with Team System" blog entry:
Thoughts on Favre's Consecutive Games Played Streak
I still owe a post on the Packers crushing defeat of the dreaded Cowboys in week 7. However, thanks to the website for this information, which puts Favre's streak into perspective.
How to Debug Whidbey Unit Tests
Thanks to reidm for his post, on how to debug your unit tests in Whidbey Beta 1.
Dallas .NET User Group HOSTS the Microsoft Mobility Roadshow, November 9th, 2004
Many in the DFW area might know me as the "Director of Speakers" for the Dallas .NET User Group. Well, I wanted to send out a quick word that the Dallas .NET User Group is hosting the Microsoft .NET To Go Mobility Roadshow on November 9th, 2004. The event will be held at the Microsoft offices in Las Colinas. We're expecting a BIG turnout, so please, Register Today! Let's make sure that the DFW Metroplex has the most attendees of any city, at this rock-solid event.