May 12, 2005 Presentation: TDD & Unit Testing with Visual Studio 2005 Team System

Interested in Test-Driven Development?  Live in the Dallas Ft. Worth Metroplex?  Well, Scott Bellware (MVP From Austin, TX) has prepared an AWESOME (& FREE) day-long event that is open to the public. 

TDD Workshop - Dallas, Texas - May 12, 2005 - Microsoft Las Colinas
UPDATE:  Brian Moore's Writeup On The Event

ScottB has produced some GREAT content about TDD, and if you have any interest in implementing this approach at work - please join us.  This isn't just a 1 hour overview and light demos, it will include presentations and demos in the 1st half of the day, followed up with a 4 hour hands-on workshop using such tools as NUnit, NCover,

Registration will be on the Dallas .NET User Group website soon. Attendees will receive a copy of James Newkirk's Test-Driven Development book and prizes include a SPOT Watch, 2 Licenses of Clover.NET, and a Microsoft Fingerprint reader.  Also included is the Attendee CD, which will contain a copy of all the slides, demo code, labs, and software needed to get started with TDD.

Fellow DGC-er and Regional Director Chris Menegay will present an overview of Visual Studio Team System, and I will present an demo-featured overview of Unit Testing, Code Generation, and Code Coverage using Team Sytem.

Planning on attending?  Make sure to bring your laptop (if you have one).  It's not required, but recommended for the afternoon lab sessions.  If not, you can still follow along with ScottB.

After the event, please join the Dallas .NET User Group as they present INETA speaker Dan Whalin who will cover Xml & .NET 2.0.

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