Financial Industry toats Open-Source Message Queueing Effort

(Found via Slashdot)  During last week's, 2005 Web Services on Wall Street show:

John Davies has announced AMQ, an effort at JPMorgan Chase & Co. to create an open-source message queuing system that can compete with proprietary message systems like IBM MQSeries and Tibco/RV

Here is eWeek's article on the topic. 

Side comment - funny quote is the 1st in the forums on the Slashdot screen, which states that:
"I think web services are going to be the next big thing."

Not that I want to start the open-source debate, but I wonder if this will *stick* and will see a successful adoption rate?  I think it might from a MQSeries & Tibco/RV but will have slow growth in the Microsoft arena.  However, as long we have access to the interface.....  But, if it is incorporated as a unified standard in the financial industry, the adoption rate will definately be high :)

Does anyone know more about this?  URLs for the AMQ project?  Has anyone worked with it or is this an *idea* in it's infancy stage.  I'd love to hear from people in the Financial industry...

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