Dallas .NET User Group Meeting This Thursday, 2/10: Brad Abrams
As Director of Speakers for the Dallas .NET User Group, I wanted to tell everyone in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area about our upcoming meeting happening this Thursday!
If you are in the Dallas .NET UG area, please join us this Thursday, where we will host our special guest, Brad Abrams, the "Grandfather" of the .NET Framework. :) Hot off his successful Class Library Programming Series presentations & chats, Brad will "wow" us through his talk on Effective .NET Framework-based Development: Exception Handing and Memory Management!
Session Summary:
This talk will drill demystify two areas that cause many problems for C# and VB.NET developers. Correctly handling errors via exceptions and recovering gracefully when they occur is a deceptively simple problem. We will discuss time-tested guidelines for raising and handling exceptions and discuss changes for the soon to be release .NET Framework 2.0 product. The second topic is how to effectively deal with memory management in the CLR. We will take a look at how the automatic memory manager in the CLR really works and why it works that way and discuss best practices for writing code in that world. We will also touch on some new features coming in .NET Framework 2.0 in this area.
Here are some links of interest for this talk:
- Brad's Blog Entry for his presentation
- The Dallas .NET User Group website
- Designing .NET Class Libraries Website on MSDN (Links to Videos, Chat Transcripts)
Meeting Details:
- When: Thursday, February 10, 2005
- What Time: 6:00pm
- Where: Microsoft's Las Colinas Office, LC1 building
- Registration:
- If you ARE registered with www.ddnug.net, please use the RSVP link provided in the newsletter emailed on Monday.
- If you ARE NOT registered with www.ddnug.net, please use the "Please RSVP Now" link located under Brad's meeting information (And also register with our website :) )
Please visit the Dallas .NET User Group website for more information. Make sure to RSBP & get there early, we're expecting a HUGE turnout!