Things to Check for Debugging problem
You have created your application and resolved the build errors. You must now correct those logic errors that keep your application or stored procedures from running correctly. You can do this with the development environment integrated debugging functions. These allow you to stop at procedure locations, inspect memory and register values, change variables, observe message traffic, and get a close look at how your code works or does not work.
In This Section
- What's New in the Visual Studio .NET 2003 Debugger
- Discusses the enhancements to the Visual Studio .NET debugger.
- What's New in the Visual Studio .NET 2002 Debugger
- Introduces the integrated Visual Studio .NET debugger and discusses new features and major enhancements of the Visual Studio .NET debugger.
- Debugging Samples and Walkthroughs
- Provides a list of the debugging step-by-step topics that show how to debug Web applications, including setting and removing breakpoints, viewing variables in your application, controlling execution, stepping and continuing, and attaching.
- Debug Settings and Preparation
- Covers the settings and preparation that you must perform to debug your program with the Visual Studio .NET debugger.
- Using the Debugger
- Discusses the fundamentals of using the Visual Studio .NET debugger. Topics include debugging basics, execution control, attaching to a running program, Just-In-Time debugging, launching the debugger automatically, dumps, breakpoints, inspecting your program, handling exceptions, Edit and Continue, and using expressions in the debugger.
- Debugging Managed Code
- Covers common debugging problems and techniques for applications written in Visual Basic, Visual C#, and Managed Extensions for C++.
- Debugging Visual C++
- Discusses some common debugging problems and techniques for C and C++ applications.
- Debugging COM and ActiveX
- Provides tips on debugging COM applications and ActiveX controls. Topics include debugging COM servers, debugging COM clients and servers using RPC debugging, debugging an ActiveX Control, and COM debugging tools.
- Debugging DLLs
- Provides techniques for debugging DLLs and explains how to specify an executable for a debug session.
- Debugging Script and Web Applications
- Describes common debugging problems and techniques you may encounter when debugging script and Web applications. Sections include debugging ASP.NET and ASP Web applications, debugging ATL Server Web applications, Visual Studio and the Windows Script Debugger, Web server debugging errors, and troubleshooting.
- Debugging SQL
- Provides information on debugging SQL Server stored procedures, functions, and triggers. Topics include set up, a SQL debugging example, SQL and mixed-language debugging, limitations, debugging extended stored procedures, SQL debugging components, configuring DCOM, and troubleshooting.
- Debugging User Interface Reference
- Provides reference information on the windows and dialog boxes you use when debugging your application. These topics are also available when you press F1 while you have focus on a debugging user interface element, for example, the Breakpoints window.
Related Sections
- Visual Studio Debugger Model
- Provides information on automating many debugger features by using the Visual Studio extensibility model.
- Default and Custom Builds
- Introduces types of builds, selecting and editing build configurations, and deploying solutions.
- Testing and Optimizing
- Covers the purpose of testing, organizing the testing effort, requirements-based testing, developing a test plan, test plan approaches, and types of testing.
- Decision Chart
- Provides a graphical, linked guide to decisions about designing your application.
- Deployment in Visual Studio
- Provides links to various deployment topics, including: deployment concepts, introduction to Microsoft Windows Installer, deployment projects, merge module projects, creating or adding deployment projects, setting properties, adding items to a deployment project, and opening the deployment editors. This section also covers managing file installation, registry settings, file types, user interface, custom actions, and launch conditions.
You have created your application and resolved the build errors. You must now correct those logic errors that keep your application or stored procedures from running correctly. You can do this with the development environment integrated debugging functions. These allow you to stop at procedure locations, inspect memory and register values, change variables, observe message traffic, and get a close look at how your code works or does not work.
In This Section
- What's New in the Visual Studio .NET 2003 Debugger
- Discusses the enhancements to the Visual Studio .NET debugger.
- What's New in the Visual Studio .NET 2002 Debugger
- Introduces the integrated Visual Studio .NET debugger and discusses new features and major enhancements of the Visual Studio .NET debugger.
- Debugging Samples and Walkthroughs
- Provides a list of the debugging step-by-step topics that show how to debug Web applications, including setting and removing breakpoints, viewing variables in your application, controlling execution, stepping and continuing, and attaching.
- Debug Settings and Preparation
- Covers the settings and preparation that you must perform to debug your program with the Visual Studio .NET debugger.
- Using the Debugger
- Discusses the fundamentals of using the Visual Studio .NET debugger. Topics include debugging basics, execution control, attaching to a running program, Just-In-Time debugging, launching the debugger automatically, dumps, breakpoints, inspecting your program, handling exceptions, Edit and Continue, and using expressions in the debugger.
- Debugging Managed Code
- Covers common debugging problems and techniques for applications written in Visual Basic, Visual C#, and Managed Extensions for C++.
- Debugging Visual C++
- Discusses some common debugging problems and techniques for C and C++ applications.
- Debugging COM and ActiveX
- Provides tips on debugging COM applications and ActiveX controls. Topics include debugging COM servers, debugging COM clients and servers using RPC debugging, debugging an ActiveX Control, and COM debugging tools.
- Debugging DLLs
- Provides techniques for debugging DLLs and explains how to specify an executable for a debug session.
- Debugging Script and Web Applications
- Describes common debugging problems and techniques you may encounter when debugging script and Web applications. Sections include debugging ASP.NET and ASP Web applications, debugging ATL Server Web applications, Visual Studio and the Windows Script Debugger, Web server debugging errors, and troubleshooting.
- Debugging SQL
- Provides information on debugging SQL Server stored procedures, functions, and triggers. Topics include set up, a SQL debugging example, SQL and mixed-language debugging, limitations, debugging extended stored procedures, SQL debugging components, configuring DCOM, and troubleshooting.
- Debugging User Interface Reference
- Provides reference information on the windows and dialog boxes you use when debugging your application. These topics are also available when you press F1 while you have focus on a debugging user interface element, for example, the Breakpoints window.
Related Sections
- Visual Studio Debugger Model
- Provides information on automating many debugger features by using the Visual Studio extensibility model.
- Default and Custom Builds
- Introduces types of builds, selecting and editing build configurations, and deploying solutions.
- Testing and Optimizing
- Covers the purpose of testing, organizing the testing effort, requirements-based testing, developing a test plan, test plan approaches, and types of testing.
- Decision Chart
- Provides a graphical, linked guide to decisions about designing your application.
- Deployment in Visual Studio
- Provides links to various deployment topics, including: deployment concepts, introduction to Microsoft Windows Installer, deployment projects, merge module projects, creating or adding deployment projects, setting properties, adding items to a deployment project, and opening the deployment editors. This section also covers managing file installation, registry settings, file types, user interface, custom actions, and launch conditions.
Debugging Script and Web: Errors and Troubleshooting
You may encounter the following errors when attempting to debug script or Web applications.
- Visual Studio and the Windows Script Debugger
- Error: You Cannot Debug an ASP.NET or ATL Server Application Whose Start Page is a FRAMESET
- Error: Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server
- Error: URL Is In the Internet Zone
- Error: A Security Check Failed Because the IIS Admin Service Did Not Respond
- Error: Project Is Not Configured To Be Debugged
- Error: Debugging Failed Because Integrated Windows Authentication Is Not Enabled
- Error: The Web Server Has Been Locked Down and Is Blocking the DEBUG Verb
- Error: Timeout While Debugging Web Services
- Error: Debugger Cannot Access the Script Application
- Error: There Is No Debuggable Script Code Running in the Application You Are Debugging
- Error: ASP.NET Not Installed
- Error: ASP Access Denied
Debugging Script and Web Applications
- Debugging ASP.NET Web Applications
- Provides instructions and prerequisites on debugging an ASP.NET application either at development time or when the application is already deployed and running.
- Debugging ASP Web Applications
- Discusses debugging ASP Web applications. Information includes a description of ASP Web applications, methods of debugging ASP scripts, types of errors, how client scripts are processed, and how errors are handled.
- Debugging ATL Server Web Applications
- Provides links to information on debugging Web applications or XML Web services created with ATL Server.
- Debugging Script and Web: Errors and Troubleshooting
- Lists errors you may run into while debugging script or Web applications and suggests fixes.
- Walkthrough: Debugging a Web Form
- Illustrates how to debug an ASP.NET Web application (Web form). Steps include: creating the Web form, debugging the Web form, setting and removing breakpoints, viewing variables in your application, controlling execution, stepping and continuing, and attaching to the Web form for debugging.
- Walkthrough: Debugging a XML Web Service
- Instructs you on debugging an ASP.NET Web Service application. Steps include: creating and debugging the XML Web service, debugging the Web form, setting and removing breakpoints, viewing variables in your application, controlling execution, stepping and continuing, and attaching to the XML Web service for debugging.
Related Sections
- Debugging Preparation: ASP.NET Web Services Created with Managed Extensions for C++
- Describes the default project settings and behavior of ASP.NET Web Service projects and debugging calls to XML Web services from client applications.
- Debugging Preparation: ASP.NET Web Applications
- Describes the default project settings and behavior of ASP.NET Web Application projects, steps for debugging, and changing the default Debug configuration.
- Debugging Preparation: ASP.NET Web Services
- Describes the default project settings and behavior of ASP.NET Web Services projects, enabling ASP.NET debugging, and changing the default Debug configuration.
- .NET Framework Tutorials: Debugging with the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK
- Shows how to debug .NET applications using the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK. This tutorial walks you through debugging two different programs: a simplified version of the component-based Calculator sample that is used elsewhere in the .NET Framework SDK, and a small ASP.NET application that uses source code files and code embedded in .aspx files. You will learn how to use both debuggers that ship with the .NET Framework SDK: the CorDbg command-line debugger and the Windows-based DbgCLR debugger. The source code for this tutorial is written in Visual Basic and C#.
- .NET Framework Tutorials: Debugging ASP.NET Web Applications
- Illustrates how to debug Web-based applications using the .NET Framework SDK. This tutorial includes debugging precompiled components such as business objects, debugging ASP.NET pages containing HTML and procedural code, and debugging code called from ASP.NET pages that are contained in external (or code-behind) files.
- Writing, Compiling, and Debugging JScript Code
- Provides links into the JScript documentation, which includes information on debugging JScript with Visual Studio .NET.
- Debugging an ISAPI Application
- Covers debugging ISAPI applications, setup steps, setting breakpoints for filters and extensions, and version-specific information.
- ASP.NET Technology Backgrounder
- Describes ASP.NET, a unified Web platform that provides all the services necessary for you to build enterprise-class applications. Information includes descriptions of: the ASP.NET page framework and the Web forms page, XML Web services, state management facilities, application events, compilation, deployment, security, debugging support, and performance counter support.
- Debugging Home Page
- Provides links to the larger sections of the debugging documentation. Information includes: what's new in the debugger, settings and preparation, breakpoints, handling exceptions, edit and continue, debugging managed code, debugging Visual C++ projects, debugging COM and ActiveX, debugging DLLs, debugging SQL, and the user interface references.
- ASP Remote Debugging Setup
- Describes setup requirements for remote debugging of ASP Web applications.