The World-Wide-Web Consortium now regards the element 'APPLET ' as outdated. Newer constructs are recommended.
I was going mad by editing HTML applet TAG on notepad(VS.NET 2003 crashed if you edit applet based HTML or ASP.NET page ;) ) and testing on last found few interesting stuff on it.
1. I tryout to copy the APPLET Tag from notepad on Paste inside on ASP.NET HTML Tag,It gave me following error. " The World-Wide-Web Consortium now regards the element 'APPLET' as outdated. Newer constructs are recommended. " The looks interesting to me.
For More
2. Based on WWW standard the Applet tag is Deprecated from HTML 4.01
From W3.ORG
A deprecated element or attribute is one that has been outdated by newer constructs. Deprecated elements are defined in the reference manual in appropriate locations, but are clearly marked as deprecated. Deprecated elements may become obsolete in future versions of HTML. User agents should continue to support deprecated elements for reasons of backward compatibility. Definitions of elements and attributes clearly indicate which are deprecated. This specification includes examples that illustrate how to avoid using deprecated elements. In most cases these depend on user agent support for style sheets. In general, authors should use style sheets to achieve stylistic and formatting effects rather than HTML presentational attributes. HTML presentational attributes have been deprecated when style sheet alternatives exist (see, for example, [CSS1]).
Similarly Few more other tag also deprecated from HTML 4.01 (APPLET) (BASEFONT) (CENTER) (DIR) (FONT) (ISINDEX) (MENU) (S) (STRIKE) (U)
Suresh Behera