How:Debugging SQL With the Visual Studio .NET debugger
Note SQL debugging with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 2000 requires Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer or Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect Edition.
In This Section
- Debugging SQL Stored Procedures
- Provides instructions on debugging stored procedures from Server Explorer or from a source window.
- Debugging Extended Stored Procedures
- Defines an extended stored procedures and provides steps for debugging one.
- Walkthrough: Debugging Hello World, a SQL Stored Procedure
- Demonstrates how to debug stored procedures on a SQL Server. Information includes connecting to a database, creating a stored procedure, stepping into a stored procedure, setting breakpoints, viewing parameters and local variables in the Locals window, and dragging variables from the Text editor into the Watch window.
- SQL and Mixed-Language Debugging
- Describes debugging mixed-language applications, supported technologies, debugging remote applications, component requirements, enable SQL debugging, SQL debugging and running applications, and T-SQL and managed or unmanaged code.
- Monitoring the Flow of SQL Debugging Information
- Suggests using the Network Monitor (NetMon) or a similar tool to monitor the flow of SQL debugging information and provides a pointer to the Network Monitor documentation.
- SQL Debugging Limitations
- List the limitations that apply to debugging SQL source code.
- Setting Up SQL Debugging
- Lists software requirements for SQL debugging (for the server and workstation), instructions for enabling SQL debugging, installing, configuring, and troubleshooting setup.
- SQL Debugging Setup Errors and Troubleshooting
- List issues you may encounter when setting up SQL debugging and solutions to those problems.
Related Sections
- Overview of Visual Database Tools
- Describes Microsoft Visual Database Tools and provides links to: what's new in Visual Database Tools, Visual Database Tools components, work you can do with the Visual Database Tools, relationship between Visual Database Tools and databases, and database connections and references.
- SQLExecDirect
- Provides reference material for SQLExecDirect, which executes a preparable statement, using the current values of the parameter marker variables if any parameters exist in the statement. SQLExecDirect is the fastest way to submit an SQL statement for one-time execution.
- SQLExecute
- Provides reference material for SQLExecute, which executes a prepared statement, using the current values of the parameter marker variables if any parameter markers exist in the statement.
- System Stored Procedures
- List system stored procedures (Transact-SQL Reference).
- Debugging Home Page
- Provides links to the larger sections of the debugging documentation. Information includes what's new in the debugger, settings and preparation, breakpoints, handling exceptions, edit and continue, debugging managed code, debugging Visual C++ projects, debugging COM and ActiveX, debugging DLLs, debugging SQL, and the user interface references.
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Troubleshooting tips for T-SQL Debugger in Visual Studio .NET;en-us;817178
HOW TO: Debug Stored Procedures in Visual Studio .NET
Suresh Behera