• I when through the 5 day TDD master class in the beginning of September 2008 an i must say that this was some of the most useful 5 days of learning i could ever take.
    It gave me the change of mind setting that I needed to go from a random unit tests here and there to actual getting structured testing done with quality.

  • I had the privilege of attending Mr Osheroves class just a few weeks ago in Oslo.

    As an instructor Roy is highly competent. As a programmer, even more so.

    Not only does the class benefit from the knowledge that derives from his experience, thorough comprehension of the topic and his efforts researching what is now the leading book within TDD in .NET, but also from Roys glowing enthusiasm for his craftmanship as well as the profound competence in his field which puts him as a prime speaker on the subject in the major international events.

    Leveraging a flexible schedule, he allows both seasoned developers and TDD rookies to benefit from his wide range of excercises, workshops, mind games and positive attitude.

    A significant and beneficial learning experience.

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