"Test One"
The idea is to cause the reader to ask himself/herself "One what?" and at the same time to imply that you can start small with just one test. My first thought on this line was "Test One Thing" but leaving off "thing" is probably better.
Hi Roy, I just saw your 1st video tutorial on typemock.com. (BTW some of the download links need to be fixed.) You have fantastic colors in VS for black background, would you be so nice to share your setup :) ?
Here's my silly attempt of a slogan:
"We've got what it takes to test what you've got!"
Hi John,
Thanks for the heads up - Can you tell me which download links need fixing?
Thanks John - we'll fix it right away
"Don't mock Typemock"
1. Revolutionary Testing
2a. Designing for simply for your testing framework stops here
2b. Design for your application, not your testing framework
3. And you thought it couldn't be tested...
4. Test without boundaries
5. No-hoops testing