• boost/test with one file defining the module and including and all others doing:


    That let's you have an pure-header testing framework with automatically registered test cases and proper exception support.

    I looked at google test (didn't quite look mature yet; required building standalone library for which I'd have to write my own makefiles, exception handling support looked iffy).

    Using boost/test with a standalone lib is also a hassle; it probably has faster build times but has the downside that if you support a bunch of platforms or build options then you may need a lots of different lib builds; and that makes installing a new workstation a hassle and portability a hassle in general.

  • Hello
    I used google mocking gmock and hippomocks. I definitely prefer hippomocks because you don't have to maintain seperate definitions for mocks. Mock creation is fast and easy but uses strict style.


  • Why don't you like CppUnit? My team tried CxxTest but the way their isolation framework works imposes the use of the T:: namespace on production code, which is gross.

  • I'm using CppUnit. It's not great, but what is? CppUTest is easier to use, but not that much easier. With a few vim macros to ease the pain, CppUnit is fine.

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