• I'm still in the process of reading, but so far I'm impressed! You have a great way of explaining things better than the "if you're not testing, you're stupid" crowd.

  • I know that Amazon can do featured or spotlighted reviews. I'm not exactly sure how that works, but I think that's your best route for getting that quote out there.

  • Yay, Uncle Bob rules!

    Still waiting for my copy to arrive, but with 'ol Bob's seal of approval I'm even more glad it's on the way :)

  • Congrats!

    I'm getting heaps of requests from colleagues and other developers these days for recommendations on TDD books. Sounds like yours will be the perfect book for someone wanting to get into unit testing and TDD.

  • I am still reading it too, some final chapters left. It is a great tool to get into unit testing, and I appreciate a lot all the little tips to recognize where and how to apply Testing.
    The book perfectly reflects how great were your sessions at NDC in Oslo. or is it the otherway around? anyway. Congratulations, This is obviously a must have :)

  • Congrats on a great book! Read it cover to cover.

    I've been practicing TDD for almost two years but your appearance on Hanselminutes and at NDC was a real eye opener. My advice is to learn about unit testing first, and I mean really learn i.e. read your book, and then its much easier to start with TDD.

    Note on Uncle Bob's quote: how can it be the best book on TDD he's seen when its explicitly not about TDD?

  • Uncle Bob rocks.

    I hope most of the attendees in the upcoming TDD .NET Master class in Oslo already have read the book so we can get to the good stuff fast.

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