I lolled. First I was like 'What a douche' and then I was like 'Oh I see!' ;)
The real Emperor had spoken already. Very funny.
Emperors die, You know right? Betrayals, support, etc...
Also, an Emperor that not tries to expand his kingdom is an Emperor going to oblivion.
I'm removing you from Google reader.
I'm adding you to my RSS reader. All hail the TypeMock.ArrangeActAssert namespace!
Roy you saved my Sunday with this cool story! alea iacta est
Man, If it tended to be a joke - it's funny, but if you're serious - it's just sad. You are not the ruler of the world. If you wanted to go, you could have considered taking economy class.
LOL! All too familiar.
From one whipped dad to another, I totally sympathize ....
Nice try... bad catch. I'll assert that you're a 'Mock' pompous ass.
Emperor or not, you are my Unit testing guru!
This is great news! Now I know that us whipped guys can do this for a living too. Of I go to claim my empire :)