Screenshots and Update for VB2004

Made some major headway in the past 24 hours, so I thought I'd show off where we're at so far. As soon as Jamie Cansdale gets back from his week-long ski trip (lucky bastard), I can wrap up the VS.NET integration code. Just so you know, VisualBlogger 2004 will operate in two modes: Standalone and IDE Integrated. You'll be able to use this program just like Microsoft Word if you want, or you can dock it in the same place as the Output window in VS.NET, and blog from the dev environment. You could even use it as a real simple HTML editor if you want. We don't have any table support yet (don't know if we ever will) but you could always add those in manually.

OK, now for the screenshots. The first one is of the main screen. I'll let VB2004 herself tell you about that herself..

The next dialog shows the cross-posting options. I want to add client-side category caching, but right now, I snag the categories from the web service ever time you hit the right-arrow button. If you only select items from the first list, it will post your entry without any categories. If you select options from the list on the right, it will post to each blog with the specified category.

This screenshot is of the code formatter. It's just a plain textbox to post code, and the 3 buttons on the right specify the syntax. It support C#, VB, and ASPX / XML / Config files. I may add code snippet library support at a later date, but it's not planned for the first release. You can see samples of the output in several os my previous posts.

Finally, the last screenshot is of our feedback form. Today I installed and configured Axosoft OnTime 3.0, and we're now using it as our central bug and feature management system. This form submits customer feedback right from that central system. When an exception is thrown, you will get an option to send error data to us. If you choose yes, the bottom box will be automatically populated with properties of the System.Exception class for further troubleshooting.

There is much more that I want to do before V1 goes live. After I'm done cleaning up the codebase, I'm going to hand it off to Brady Gaster, who is going to abstract the post model and implement BlogEngineProviders for me. Then we're going to add support for all the major blogging engines (dasBlog, Movable Type, Blogger, etc.) At that time, you'll be able to edit existing posts, since the existing .Text SimpleBlogService web service does not support getting existing posts to edit.

Well, that's about it from here. Hope you like it. It will be done soon, I promise. It really has made me much more willing to blog now that I don't have to log into 6 different web-based consoles. I hope it helps you guys too.


  • An awesome app but one thing keeps nagging at the back of my head. :) Where does one get those wonderful toolbar icons. I've been looking all over for these true-color "standard" toolbar icons (as seen in Office 2003 etc.) Any hints or are they maybe only available commercially?

  • Does VB2004 support uploading images via FTP like BlogJet?

  • AMEN on the icon thing. oh wait - i get to find out AS SOON AS HE SENDS ME THE CODE.

  • This looks great Robert!

    /me throws away source for my own VB type app. :)

    also don't forget to add the ability to pull the current song from Winamp/WMP as I and many others do.

  • Please use the long name. VB2004 sounds like some language that already exists in 2004. Otherwise it looks pretty impressive so far. Nice job.

    So is this freeware or for sale?

  • Go for VisualBlogger.04 or something like that.

    I'll second Adam's question, freeware, commercial, donation-ware, what??

  • What's the posting protocol? I want to update my web site to support it so that I can use this app. : )

  • Looking good, Robert. One thing tho - if I want to post with a new category that doesn't exist in my blog yet, how would that happen? Would I have to go to my blog and create it there?

    It's very possible (and easy) to allow for this when using the Metablog API. I'll give you a hint - a nice side effect of using a string array to post categories is that the (categories as) strings do not have to exist yet.

    Good Luck!

  • Glad to see you're planning on supporting MovableType in V1!

  • We're not using metaWeblogAPI yet. As you can see in teh second screenshot, we only pull categories that exist. If they do not, you'll be able to add a new category with the tool at some point. Right now you will have to go to your blog.

  • One word: Awesome :)

  • awesome! haven't seen it mentioned, maybe i missed it, but i hope that some support for RSS/Aggregators will be there :)

    i'm still on the lookout for one that hit's both on the head... Blog+RSS App. *grinz*

    cant wait to try it out!

  • btw, are there any plans or ideas on XHTML? just curious. looks sweet... when can we try it out? :)

  • No plans for XHTML. The edit control is using a wrapper for the MSHTML.ocx control, so my editor's capabilities are limited by what the wrapper I'm using and the control itself can do. If someone can find a better WinForms HTML Editing control that is 100% managed code, and FREE, then please let me know.

    In the emantime, I am trying to get a beta out ASAP. I have to stabilize a bunch of features first.

    In regards to integrating with other Aggregators, I'm open to ideas on how that would work.

  • Let us know when you're ready, and we can help you get up to speed on adding AtomAPI support, so you can support many of the major weblog tools (like Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, and TypePad) with just one API, for simplicity.

  • Robert: If you need a generic metaWeblog endpoint to test against, just let me know.

  • "...a better WinForms HTML Editing control that is 100% managed code..."

    Why limit yourself to managed code when the control you're currently using isn't managed?

  • I'm using unmanaged code because I have a managed wrapper for it. I'd rather it be managed. I don't see managed code as a limitation.... I see the MSHTML ActiveX control as a limitation.

    Anil: I didn't know that LiveJournal et. al. already supported AtomAPI. Rockin. That should make my life a lot easier.

  • That's not managed code. It's a wrapper for the MSHTML.ocx control. And it's kinda cheesy at that. It's what I'm using in the program now, only heavily modified.

  • This does not work for me. I have a multiblog setup on 0.95 and when I try and post a test posting, this just hangs, any idea what is wrong?

    Also the toolbars, do not resize - or the zOrder is behind the text box (or whatever the control is) making it quite irritating to use.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the idea, just not working for me. I would love to post from my desktop - and the attempt is quit noteworthy.



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