ServerBeach: I Think I'm Getting Screwed...

I just upgraded to those 64bit servers that ServerBeach has in their new datacenter... but they're only running the 32-bit version of Windows Server 2003. I've been trying to find info, but have been unable thus far... does anyone have benchmark data on 32-bit on 32-bit, 32-bit on 64-bit, and 64-bit on 64-bit OS comparisons? I'd like to know if I'm getting screwed on performance or not.

Also, if anyone has a workaround for the WS2003 x64 limitation that I HAVE to install from a CD at boot time, that would be much appreciated as well. I can get around all this crap if I can do a clean install from inside the 32-bit WS2003. Thanks guys!

1 Comment

  • Generally speaking, 32-bit on 64-bit runs a little faster.

    They probably don't want to use 64-bit Windows, because driver and program support is still spotty.

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