Contents tagged with JavaScript
Posting AJAX Requests to ASP.NET Core MVC
In the past, I’ve had trouble doing something that is apparently simple: invoking a simple action method in a controller using AJAX. Although it is indeed simple, when using jQuery, it may require some attention, hence this post.
TypeScript for C# and .NET Core Developers Review
Now Reading: Hands-On TypeScript for C# and .NET Core Developers
SignalR in ASP.NET Core
SignalR is a Microsoft .NET library for implementing real-time web sites. It uses a number of techniques to achieve bi-directional communication between server and client; servers can push messages to connected clients anytime.
Encoded JavaScript in ASP.NET MVC Core
To complete the Data URI saga, here is another technique that you may find interesting: this time, it’s about encoding JavaScript contents, so as to make them more difficult to tamper with.
Fluent Validation in JavaScript
A recent discussion with my colleagues about fluent validation in JavaScript made me realize that I didn’t know of any such library. I take it for granted that some may exist, but I have never actually used one. To be clear, I mean a validation library that I can use in unit tests, for asserting conditions. Because I had a free Saturday morning, I decided to write my own!
ASP.NET 5 Node Services
At the MVP Global Summit, Steven Sanderson (@stevensanderson) presented a Microsoft project he was working on: Node Services. In a nutshell, this is an integration of ASP.NET 5 and Node.js, it makes it possible to call a Node.js function from ASP.NET. One of its possible usages is to use Node.js to compile AngularJS directives or ReactJS JSX files, and for that reason, there are two modules built on top of Node Services just for that purpose (code available at GitHub and NuGet, here and here).
Persisting SignalR Connections Across Page Reloads
I recently had the need to keep a SignalR connection even if the page would reload. As far as I know, this cannot be done out of the box, either with hubs or persistent connections. I looked it up, but could find no solid solution, so here is my solution!
Querying SharePoint
SharePoint, being a content management system, of course, offers a couple of ways to query its contents programmatically. Here we will explore some of these options.
ASP.NET Web Forms Prompt Validator
For those still using Web Forms and Microsoft’s validation framework, like yours truly - and I know you’re out there! -, it is very easy to implement custom validation by leveraging the CustomValidator control. It allows us to specify both a client-side validation JavaScript function and a server-side validation event handler.