Development With A Dot
Blog on development in general, and specifically on .NET. Created and maintained by Ricardo Peres.
Java vs C# Index
Here are my posts on Java versus C#:
ASP.NET Core Pitfalls – Returning a Custom Service Provider
Update: This post is meant to replace Please have a look at for a possible solution.
New Blog
As some of you may have noticed, I've been having several issues with the hosting platform. I've been using it since 2009, but, in the last months, it has become increasingly unstable. This is to say that I've picked a new blogging platform, and it's Blogger.
Service Discovery in .NET
Service Discovery is a common pattern in distributed systems, like microservices, where one does not need to know the exact address of a resource, instead we ask some kind of database-backed service to get it for us. This is very useful to prevent hardcoding such addresses, instead they are discovered dynamically at runtime. There may be other functionality, but it may also include checking the health of a service first, or rotating the exact address to return, when there are many possibilities.
ASP.NET Core Request Features
Request Features, or feature interfaces, offer a centralised way to access functionality that is commonly added by middleware in the pipeline. Features allow us to access information, or, in some case, control the behaviour of the middleware they belong to.
Rate Limiting in ASP.NET Core
Rate limiting is sometimes known as throttling, even though they're not quite the same - rate limiting is more about fairness, making sure everyone gets a fair share (number of requests), whereas throttling is about limiting, or cutting down, the number of requests. The two are commonly used interchangeably.
Using MongoDB with Entity Framework Core Session
Yesterday I did a talk on a joint Porto.DATA and Azure & AI User Group Portugal event (thanks, Ivan Campos and Pedro Sousa, for inviting me!) on using MongoDB with EF Core. The slides are here (Portuguese only, sorry!).
Blog Maintenance
I updated some of the links in my blog, removed outdated/broken links, added a few others (friends, links collections). This will be the last thing I'll do before going on annual leave, be back by the end of August! Enjoy your vacations!
Checking the Health of an ASP.NET Core Application
Having a way to evaluate the health status of our system has been around since ASP.NET Core 2.2. In a nutshell, the idea is, you register a number of health checks, and you run them all at some time to assess their state, if any of them returned anything other than healthy, then the system is considered to be either unhealthy or degraded.
Getting Location and Weather from an IP Address
The concept of getting the location for a given IP address is not exactly new, and some posts have been written about it already. Still, I wanted to write about it because I will need it for a later article, and, to add something, also explain how to get the weather forecast for the given location.