Ralf's Sudelbücher
Musings on relations - or: WinFS is not enough
Have you had a look at WinFS? No, you should. It´s cool. Or maybe I should say: It could be even more cool, if it didn´t stop too early.
Gute Laune durch 'Computerbücher ins Altpapier'
Es ist so angenehm und doch so selten, dass ich auf einen Text im Web stoße, der mir einfach so spontan gute Laune macht. Aber jetzt ist es doch wieder passiert. Peter Braun hat seinem Unmut über den Zustand der Computer-Fachliteratur in einem Kolumnenbeitrag mit dem Titel 'Computerbücher ins Altpapier' im Dr. Web Magazin Luft gemacht. Und das ebenso direkt wie herzerfrischend.
Drei Herren mit guter Laune
Warum haben diese drei Herren so gute Laune? Hm... Sie stoßen auf etwas an, aber was...?
Storing Relations revisted - The hanging trees of Pile
Storing Relations Instead of Data - Just a cool idea or a revolutionary new data storage paradigm?
Well, this idea of storing relations instead of data sounded very interesting - even though I did not fully understand it. And I guess, I still do not fully understand it - but Peter Krieg got me hooked. I´m always open for unusual cool new ideas, and this seems to be one. Later that day he did a keynote titled "When Powerpoint meets Doom" where he tried to explain the idea to a larger audience. Reactions where mixed, but I immediately ran out to get his book "Die paranoide Maschine - Computer zwischen Wahn und Sinn". (Sorry, this book is only available in German; but nevertheless I can recommend it for his quite refreshing view on what computers are and how they need to change, if we want them to become more "intelligent".)
Defining Components - A pragmatic look at software building blocks
Yesterday I argued, we´re really living in the decade of the component - and not in the good old objects or service hype days. Also I sketched out what I think is necessary to arrive at true software building blocks as the next higher level of abstraction above objects/classes: Contract First Design (CFD) and Microkernel based architecture.
The Decade of the Component - Service orientation is just the beginning
I guess, before I start my day, I need to get this out of my system: You know what´s happening right now? It´s the decade of the component! The 1970/80ies were the decade of structured programming, the 1990ies were the decade of object orientation - and now we´re right in the middle of the decade of component orientation.
The discourses go on: Ingo Rammer and I talk about designing interfaces between services
Listening to a discussion often offers a new view on a subject, because hearing contrasting thoughts next to each other sparks your own thoughts in a different way than reading a just an article explaining some subject. That´s why thinktecture now publishes its second email discourse on an software architectural topic.
On the right number of methods, classes or DLLs in a project - or: Just cut a few and it will be perfect
Udi Dahan did a posting on a question he received from a developer the other day: The developer asked him, why Udi was so much in favor of so many DLLs in a project? Wouldn´t the large number of DLLs make the project unnecessarily complicated?
Meeting a "hero" of my youth: Prof. Niklaus Wirth
Today was a surprising and very happy day for me: Scheduled to talk at the iX Conference - Better Software - in Colone, Germany, I was invited to participate in the panel discussion on "Software development - art or engineering dicipline" for Tom DeMarco, who had to leave the conference early. The topic was fun, although in the end we were mostly discussing whether there still was a software crisis or not and what its characteristics might be.