ASP.NET Pro Magazine is looking for articles. Does anyone have any ideas for articles you would like to see written? Or if you prefer, you can try to propose one yourself to the editors.
An article on automated testing procedures for would be nice.
They do a very good job covering ASP.Net. I can't think of anything else.
A simple example with User Controls, Events, and Delegates.
Multi-series article on how/why IBuy Spy was designed and built.
How to use XML for menu content.
Database structure, SessionState and Cookies for Language selection, Drop-down user control, etc...
1. design patterns in ASP.NET framework infrastructure
2. developing ASP.NET apps with design patterns
Real world case studies about using MS application blocks
Show how small/middle companies realy work: What Source Control? How many DB (Testing DB, Production DB, Stage DB)? What Quality Assurance?
I can relate to all of that except for the source control part -- afterall VSS (Visual SourceSafe) is free even if it isn't great.