WilsonORMapper works well with MySQL
I spent a couple of hours yesterday testing my WilsonORMapper with MySQL (note the My, not MS). I designed my O/R mapper to work with any ANSI compliant database, so I had high hopes. Note that I do of course have a few optimizations for MS SQL, Access, and Oracle, so I don't mean everything is or should be generic. I'm very experienced with Oracle, although its been a few years back, but I had never touched MySQL until now. I started by downloading MySQL v4.0.17, which was the recommended version, MySQL Control Center, and MySQL Odbc Driver v3.51. I installed everything, then I figured out how to start the server and create a database and a table pretty easily. The next thing was configuring Odbc and figuring out my connection string, and do a few small regular ADO.NET tests. So far so good -- by the way, MySQL seems surprisingly comparable to MS SQL in ease of use.
So next I tried my first test with my WilsonORMapper, a simple GetObject, and it failed. My debug version spits out all the SQL so I copied it into the query tool to test it directly since it looked good. It turns out that MySQL is not ANSI compliant by default -- it uses ` instead of " for its table and field delimiters. By the way, neither is MS SQL, which uses [ and ] by default, so my Commands class allows this to be easily overridden. I tried to get the Option clause in my connection string to turn on ANSI support, but finally gave up and just started MySQL in ANSI mode (mysqld --ansi). That was easy enough so now all my GetXXX methods work great, just as expected when you support generic ANSI. Note that I will still need to write a custom Commands provider to get paging to work, but that will be a simple method override.
Next, I tried to do an Insert and it failed at first, but this time the error message in the debugger helped right away. I use parameterized dynamic sql for all my inserts, updates, and deletes, which stops sql injection attacks and allows the database to cache the execution plan. The Access OleDb driver supports named parameters, not just ?, although you still have to assign your values in the same order as the parameters, so that's what I have coded. Well the MySQL Odbc driver requires ? for parameters -- but guess what, I have an optional parameter mapping for all my fields since I support stored procedures. A simple change to the mapping xml file and now all my inserts, updates, and deletes work with MySQL too. Note that auto-generated identities are not supported by ANSI SQL, so I have a hack using MAX in place that isn't scalable, but a custom Commands provider can easily fix this with again a simple method override.
So I would like to say that my WilsonORMapper supports MySQL, but I really should probably write that custom provider to make it perfect. That brings me to a few questions though, which maybe some of my readers can help me better answer. There are multiple MySQL .NET native drivers out there, as well as OleDb and Odbc drivers -- what should I expect of my users? Should I force a specific driver on them or should I just write a custom Commands provider and expect them to do something more to take advantage of it? And if the latter, should they have to recompile my source with their few driver specifics, or should I somehow make it a configuration option? The same questions will apply to PostgreSQL also, which I have someone asking me about already, so whatever I decide will apply to other databases also.
By the way, to me this experiment validates a couple of my design decisions that I blogged about previously. First, generic ANSI SQL is not a silly pipe dream -- it really is possible in most simple cases, although certainly you should provide provider specific optimizations too. Yes, I know I'm just talking about the simple CRUD operations, but apparently I've guessed correctly that this really is all many people care about, judging by the responses I have received. Finally, having my mappings in an external xml file was crucial here, since I needed to change my parameter names to ? for just MySQL, not all the other cases. This means that I did not have to recompile my code -- all I needed was a MySQL specific mapping file and everything worked perfectly. If O/R mappers are to support multiple database platforms, then how can we honestly ever expect the mappings to only ever be specified once in the code as attributes?